SNMP Monitor

Andre Beck (
Fri, 30 Jun 1995 17:54:04 +0200 (MET DST)


I'm using tkined to monitor an Ascend Pipeline 400 router, which has
interfaces going up and down all the time (due to ISDN calls). Now
I've set up SNMP Monitor interface load jobs and stripcharts for the
interfaces I'm interested in. There was some hand-scripting necessary,
as tkined won't display interfaces which are down, but I need this
feature. However, after adding the relevant stripcharts and starting
the monitor job from my .tki file, all seemed well.

The problem is that suddenly the display of those stripcharts changes.
Usually it looks like "wan0 0.0 %" (for IF wan0, which is either down
or idle at the moment). But after some time, it changes to "ifload wan0"
and gets stuck here. Even if the IF goes up later, the display never changes
and the stripchart stays empty. Is there an easy fix for this problem ?
Essentially, I would like to have _all_ interfaces come up whether they
are up or down, and have a continuous display of what happens with them
(maybe the display could change to "wan0 down" or such when the if is down,
but 0.0 % is sufficient IMHO).

BTW, is there a chance to enhance the Monitor Variable script so that
OCTET STRING variables can show up in label fields ? I would really like
to have the user of a specific IF pop up above the stripchart, and the
user is available as OCTET STRING somewhere deep in the enterprises MIB
of Ascend.


| o |               \\\- Brain Inside -///                   | o |
| o |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                       | o |
| o | Andre' Beck (ABPSoft) XLink PoP Dresden | o |