statistical polling - MRTG - new Version (1.6)

Tobias Oetiker (
Thu, 29 Jun 1995 15:24:02 +0100 (BST)


as tkined still does not do it, I thought some of you might be interested in
my perlhack ... Today I have released version 1.6 ....

Does one of you tcl masters know whether scotty could be linked with a
library which allows creating gifs ? I would then port the whole thing over
and ... if there was msql support on top of that ... ohhh ...



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Version 1.6

by Tobias Oetiker


The Multi Router Traffic Grapher is a perl5 script. It can be
used to monitor a number of Internet links. It produces a html
page which contains 4 graphs, showing the load on the link over
the last 31 hours, 8 days, 31 days and 365 days respectively.
Check the stats of De Montfort University's Internet Link to see
a sample

The program runs as a cron job and is therefore quite robust to
system crashes.

The data from the routers is acquired through an SNMP agent.
Currently, mrtg supports snmpget from the cmu-snmp distribution,
the snmp-get from the tricklet package by Delft University and
the getone tool found preinstalled on some systems.

The graphs are produced with ppmtogif from the netpbm package.

Find out more about how to get and configure the package from my
homepage webserver

News for Version 1.6
* Support for additional SNMP packages included: tricklet and

* The the niceness of the mrtg process and

* the SNMP community string can now be configured.

* The graphs are all about equally wide now. This means that
you get 31 h in the daily graph and 8 days in the weekly
graph. This allows easy comparing over a day or a week ...

* Support has been added to pull stats from several links into
one graph.

Thanks to Johannes Demel ( and Mike
Convey ( for their patches. They were the main
inspiration for this release.

 ______    __   _ 
/_  __/_  / /  (_)  System Manager @ De Montfort University Leicester, UK
 / // _ \/ _ \/ /  TEL: +44 (0)116 257 7156     FAX: +44 (0)116 257 7169
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