tkined and Solaris 2.4

Alex J. Podchaski (
Tue, 28 Feb 95 8:48:18 EST

I am trying to build tkined and scotty under Solaris 2.4. I have gotten
tkined to compile and run, but I cannot get scotty to work. At first, I
needed to add -lsocket to the snmp make area, since Solaris needs that
library in order to implement sockets. That got me past one compile problem,
but when it tries to build the scotty executable, it tries to link the
library call inet_aton, which doesn't exist in any of the Solaris libraries.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how to get around this. I can provide
message dumps for any who are interested and a copy of the modified makefiles
I am using.

Thanks in advance.


Alex Podchaski (
Systems Programmer:CAIP Center,Rutgers University,Piscataway,NJ: 908/445-5548