Progress on SVR4.[02] platforms

Ross Wakelin (
Mon, 9 Jan 1995 10:11:45 +0000 (GMT)


I have been working on getting tkined and scotty (both 1.2.0) running on
various architectures of SVR4.[02] platforms. Here are my comments
so far:

most of it goes, and is great

the configure scripts do not yet get the libnsl and libsocket
stuff right, and have to be hand amended. Sorry.

scotty tcp command
there is a "problem" related to the tcp command in scotty. In
the SVR4 environment, "files" are streams based, including socket
connections. The tcp command opens a socket, which is then
fdopen'ed into a FILE type, which is then handled normally using
the standard tcl gets, puts etc commands. Unfortunately, in the
streams environment, you cannot (CANNOT) puts onto a stream file
after a gets (or any combination of write after read) UNLESS you
do an intervening seek (fseek, fsetpos etc.). This is not just
scotty, but applies to any tcl on a FILE stream.
If you do not do the seek, you get an error 9, EBADF, bad file,
when you try to do the puts. Using scotty/tkined, this error
appeared whenever you used the tcp connect feature, especially
in the netguard code.
This can be fixed by prefixing any puts command with:
seek $socket 0 current

fixed the above tcp seek problem.
the variable ETC_DIR does not get modified by the install/Makefile
system, despite the comment to the contrary in the source.
In several places in the code, (usually handling lists of results)
the construct:
foreach item in list of items
set item to lindex 0 of item
then do work on item
appears. The "set" command seems to be unneeded, and in fact
breaks the code

Thats all so far, I will add more as I come across it. Overall, a great
product (if a bit slow), and many thanks to the development team.

Ross Wakelin
Open Systems Director
March Systems Consultancy Ltd +44 1734 304 224
or at home PGP signature available