Re: Minor things with scotty

Juergen Schoenwaelder (schoenw@data)
Thu, 8 Sep 94 15:31:47 +0200


Jeff> `Intervall' should be `Interval' in the man pages unless I'm
Jeff> unaware of the `Intervall' spellig of the word. (I know I know:
Jeff> shut up about spelling things, but hey, it makes a better
Jeff> package)

Thanks. Its fixed. BTW, did you read the latest linux kernel patches?

Jeff> The emok example script gives misleading/wrong usage information.
Jeff> Run with no arguments, it outputs:

Jeff> usage: emok -- [-d] [-m max_level] hostname

Jeff> and should probably output:

Jeff> usage: emok -- [-d] [-m max_level] user[@hostname]

Jeff> because well, you're looking up a user (an address to be precise),
Jeff> not a hostname.


Jeff> And my question: How can I incorporate the extra icons from
Jeff> John P. Rouillard (spelling off the top of my head) with
Jeff> tkined 1.0.2? I looked for a README and then looked at the
Jeff> structure of the tar file (icons/network/*...etc) and was
Jeff> at a loss for an idea regarding where to stick them.

Please look at /usr/local/lib/tkined/tkined.defaults or your private
~/.tkined/tkined.defaults. Just add a more tkined.node<i> and/or<i> definitions. The first argument is the file name of
the bitmap file and the second is the name shown in the menu. Colon
may be used to create submenus.

And when have put together a nice tkined.defaults file for the icons
provided by John P. Rouillard, just mail it to me and I will put it on
our server.
