Re: Scotty under Solaris 2?

Erik Schoenfelder (schoenfr@helios)
Sun, 20 Mar 94 02:14:28 +0100


Andrew> Hi all. Has anyone successfully built and used Scotty-0.9 on
Andrew> a Solaris 2.3 (SunOS 5.3) machine? This is the problem I'm
Andrew> having:

Andrew> "./scotty.h", line 114: identifier redeclared: rpc_call

Changing rpc_call to rpc_make_call at all occurences seems to be a
fine workaround (and will be in the next version, i guess :-) :

$ grep -n rpc_.*call *.[ch]
rpc.c:248: Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, rh->rpcId, rpc_make_call,
rpc.c:353:rpc_make_call (clientData, interp, argc, argv)
scotty.h:114:extern int rpc_make_call _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData, Tcl_Interp*, int, char **));

Please change these three lines in rpc.c and scotty.h and try again.

This will not fix the warnings; please ignore.

Thank you for your bug report - please tell us, if it helps.


The author of tkined is Juergen Schoenwaelder (