TU Braunschweig, Computer Science, Operating Systems and Computer Networks

Frequently Asked Questions about Tkined

Table of Contents:

  • General information about Tkined
  • What is Tkined?
  • What is the latest Tkined version?
  • How do I get the sources of Tkined?
  • Are there any binary distributions available?
  • Is there a mailing list for Tkined?
  • Are there any mirror sites for Tkined?
  • How do I get Tkined to start the applications provided with Scotty?

  • General information about Tkined:

    What is Tkined?

    Tkined is a network drawing editor running on top of the Tcl/Tk X11 toolkit. Tkined is programmable and allows applications to act on the map shown inside of the editor. Most applications are written in Tcl based on Scotty, an extension to Tcl to access network management protocols etc.

    What is the latest Tkined version?

    The current Tkined version is 1.3.4. This version is based on Tcl7.4 and Tk4.0. Older versions based on Tcl7.3 and Tk3.6 are not supported anymore. Please make sure that you are using version 1.3.4 or later if you ask us for help.

    How do I get the sources of Tkined?

    You can get the sources via ftp from ftp.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de in /pub/local/tkined.

    Are there any binary distributions available?

    Making binary distributions takes time and our experience is that binary distribution do not reduce the number of questions per week because most systems simply look too different. Therefore, we do not provide binary distributions.

    Is there a mailing list for Tkined?

    There is a mailing list for the discussion of all topics related to Tkined and Scotty. Just send a message to tkined-request@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de to join this list. Messages that should appear on the list should be send to tkined@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de. There archive of the mailing list is accessible via the world wide web:

  • mailing list archive '96
  • mailing list archive '95
  • mailing list archive '94
  • list of subscribed people
  • Are there any mirror sites for Tkined?

    The following list of mirror sites may be incomplete and out of date. If you have any corrections or additions, please send a short note to schoenw@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de.

    How do I get Tkined to start the applications provided with Scotty?

    The manager.tcl script should be started automatically if you have Tkined and Scotty installed. If the Tool menu does not appear on the menu bar, you usually have an installation problem. Please check the following:

    How to get or add contributions?

    There is a contrib archive for extensions provided by some Tkined users. You can upload you own network management script by putting it into the /pub/incoming directory on ftp.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de and dropping me a note.

    How do I define new icons for Tkined?

    Integration of new icons requires to make them known to tkined. You have to edit the /usr/local/lib/tkined/tkined.defaults file. It contains lines like:

    tkined.node42: HP7550.xbm Peripherals:HP Plotter 7550

    This looks much like X11 defaults. The line above defines icon number 42 for a NODE object which is stored in the file HP7550.xbm. It will appear as `HP Plotter 7550' in the icon submenu named `Peripherals' in the icon menu.

    You can create your personal setup by doing all this in your ~/.tkined directory and leaving the files in /usr/local/lib/tkined unchanged. It is also possible to make use of the /usr/local/lib/tkined/site directory, which will not be overwritten if you install a new tkined version.

    How to start my own application for Tkined?

    There are four ways to start new applications. Lets assume we have written a script foo.tcl. The first way to start this script is by adding a line like

    tkined.interpreter2: foo.tcl

    to your $HOME/.tkined/tkined.defaults file. This will make Tkined to start foo.tcl for every new view. The next three ways to start foo.tcl all assume that you run the manager.tcl script which provides the Tools menu. You could launch a new script by using the Start Script command. If you need a script more than once, it might be better to add a line like

    manager.tool.Foo: foo.tcl

    to your $HOME/.tkined/tkined.defaults file. This tells the manager.tcl script to include a menu entry Foo in the tools menu which will start foo.tcl. The last two methods are implemented using the ined create INTERPRETER command which is the fourth way to do the job.

    How to install Tkined in a non standard place?

    If you need to install Tkined library directory in a place different than the compiled in default, you have to set the TKINED_PATH variable to point to the new Tkined library directory. For example, if you move the library directory from /usr/local/lib/tkined to /some/place/tkined, you should set TKINED_PATH to something like: set newdir=/some/place/tkined TKINED_PATH=.:$newdir/site:$newdir/apps:$newdir export TKINED_PATH

    How to print PostScript files with large background images?

    Large background images can't be printed if they width of the bitmap is not a multiple of 8. I checked the tk code but did not find an error. So don't use bitmaps with odd sizes.

    How do I add a new dialog to the existing onces?

    There is no way yet to dynamically load new dialogs. If you really need one, you can add a new one by modifying tkined_dialog.tcl. For example, you can define the proc Dialog::foo and Tkined will automatically accept the command ined foo .

    How to retrieve and view network maps over the network?

    There are two ways to this. You can create Tkined maps containing reference objects which understand ftp URL in their address attribute. Double klicking on them will start an anon. ftp session to retrieve the map and to load it in a new Tkined view. (Thanks to Dieter Rüffler who had the idea.)

    How to retrieve and view network maps via WWW?

    I also managed to get the NCSA mosaic WWW frontend to spawn Tkineds on files retrieved via WWW. I added the following line to my $HOME/.mime.types: application/x-tkined tki tkined And the following line went to $HOME/.mailcap: application/x-tkined; tkined %s Our WWW server will send files ending with .tki or .tkined as MIME type application/tkined. If you like to set up your server to do the same just add the following lines to your httpd.conf (assuming the CERN httpd): AddType .tki application/x-tkined 7bit 1.0
    AddType .tkined application/x-tkined 7bit 1.0

    How to make running Tkined pictures available through WWW?

    This is a very experimental feature (needs some not released features of tkined and some magic scripts). An experimental page show information about our TUBSNET backbone.

    How to extend Tkined with new object types?

    If you want to add a new object type to Tkined, you may want to follow the following steps:
    1. Define your new type in tkined.h, e.g. TKINED_MONSTER

    2. Modify the functions type_to_string() and string_to_type() in misc.c to convert a string with the type name (MONSTER) into the tag TKINED_MONSTER and back.

    3. Modify the table at the end of the file objects.c to define the protocol understood by the new object type.

    4. Update the standard methods in method.c to handle the new object, most important look at dump_object(), m_retrieve() and m_create().

    5. Most methods trigger a tk proc that updates the canvas. For example, the command ined select node3 calls the tk proc NODE::select which is defined in Objects.tcl. Create the tk procs for your new object, e.g. MONSTER::select.

    6. The above is mostly straightforward. A confusing problem is that some scotty commands (those that act on the list representation of an object) are actually done by scotty itself. Therefore, you have to update the file ined.c in the scotty sources (look for the functions ined_comp_cmd() and string_to_type().
    If you have created a good and funny MONSTER, please share it with us.

    Jürgen Schönwälder / schoenw@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de

    (Last update: 24 August 95)